So long, single use plastics

Oct 9, 2020, 07:41 AM by Virginia Sealey
Single use plastics are on their way out across the world – Canada is the latest to announce they’ll be banning single-use plastic, by the end of 2021. 

Here in Saudi we have regulations on single-use plastic, they must be oxo-biodegradableTop 10 Trash Items Found in the Ocean … but as individuals we can do our bit – take a refillable water bottle with you wherever you go, remember your reusable coffee cup when going for your favoritecoffee takeaway (as long as COVID-19 restrictions allow), say no to strawscarry your own cutlery with you (so much nicer than plastic!) - all the little things add up to a clean conscience and an even cleaner environment.

#PlasticPollution #Environment #PlasticFree #SayNoToStraws
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