KAUST Community Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer - larger

Looking for volunteering opportunities at KAUST?  There are multiple ways you can donate your time throughout the year - these can be KAUST-based at events organized by different departments in the University Campus and in the community, or at events and activities that support our host communities of Thuwal and Qadimah.

KAUST is in the process of constructing a centralized database for volunteers, the KAUST Volunteer Program, through which all volunteering opportunities will be accessible.  Until that is up and running, volunteer registration is co-ordinated through the relevant departments.

Social Responsibility
We organize educational and social outreach programs to engage with schools and communities outside KAUST, primarily our immediate neighbors but also including schools further afield.  Visit the Get Involved page on our website to see what we do and sign up through the Volunteer registration page.

Community Life
Click here to see the community volunteering opportunities.

The Thrift Shop
The Second Chance Thrift Shop was set up by community members in 2019 and has proven very popular.  Volunteers are welcome for any amount of time they can give – collecting items, sorting and pricing and/or helping on sale days.  Communication and admin skills are also welcome.  Visit the KAUST Second Chance Thrift Shop facebook page for more information.

Commencement 2020
The graduation ceremony, held each December, is supported by community volunteers – information and registration details are advertised on The Lens from October onwards.

Enrichment Program
This two week series of seminars, workshops, performances and community events takes place annually in January and has a wide range of volunteering opportunities, which will be advertised through The Lens.

The KAUST School
Student Interest Groups and The TKS Co-Curricular Program are run throughout the year by volunteers from across KAUST, with different backgrounds and interests but all with a desire to support students and school activities.  Click the links for more information.

The Lens
A central website for information on events and news from across the university.  Calls for volunteers are usually announced here, as well as the links above.  If you haven’t signed up yet, click here, scroll to the bottom of the page and subscribe to the Daily Digest, to receive an update each afternoon.

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