KAUST Social Responsibility  

Green Roads to Protect the Environment


A warm thank you to everyone who participated in the KAUST Green Roads initiative!

A demonstration of the collaborative power of volunteering, jointly organized by Social Responsibility and a group of enthusiastic KAUST graduate students.

Over 300 participants came together on April 1st to remove waste from verges on a section of the KAUST to Jeddah Highway, confirming our unwavering commitment to the protection of the environment.

This collective effort resulted in the collection of 1.25 tons of waste, as reported by Averda and Napco. As much as 1.1 tons of all the waste is made up of recyclable materials, from which 860kg is recyclable plastic that will be transformed into a new material used to pave a sustainable road, here in the heart of KAUST, with the support of our partners: Napco and Dow.

Thank You to all our heroes!


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