KAUST Social Responsibility  

2017-18 Thuwal Teacher Engagement


The 2017-18 program has seen the start of the development of a new, long term program involving different stakeholders including teachers, principals and administrators in Thuwal and Qadimah; The KAUST School teachers and administrators; and parents.

This year has included lunches for the Thuwal and Qadimah teachers and their KAUST School counterparts to commend and continue the building of positive relationships.  Meeting outside the timetable of training sessions offers a more informal opportunity to exchange classroom ideas and experiences. A one day series of workshops and training took place on 28 November for male and female teachers from the elementary, intermediate and secondary schools in Thuwal and Qadimah.  38 teachers attended the day, beginning with a breakfast, then a range of workshops at The KAUST School.  The sessions were followed by a presentation from Dr Najah Ashry, VP for Saudi Affairs, in the Campus Auditorium, thanking the teachers for their commitment.

Social Responsibility works in collaboration with KAUST IT and KAUST Finance to identify computer equipment and associated furniture that is no longer compatible with current KAUST systems and software and therefore suitable for redeployment, through an assets in kind program.  This project has been ongoing since 2013.  At the most recent training and workshop day, elementary school teachers received laptops which will be a valuable asset to their teaching.

The Social Responsibility department is grateful to all the teachers from The KAUST School for devising and delivering the workshops.

Further reading