KAUST Social Responsibility  

Math & Science Preparation


We regularly bring Thuwal students to our labs to introduce them to the work that goes on at the University. More importantly, we give them a firsthand glimpse into the life of scientists and researchers, with the intention that they will be inspired and encouraged to pursue similar academic and professional careers.

Students take part in hands-on experiments in areas ranging from DNA extraction to water quality testing. They tour labs and meet researchers and PhD students and have the opportunity to ask questions about their work. The program has become one of the most anticipated activities for teachers and students alike.       

We also invite local students and teachers to join us for activities during the Winter Enrichment Program (WEP), which is a two-week conference-style event for all ages.

WEP embraces science, business, the arts, and much more, and features speakers, workshops, and activities to enrich and inspire participants. We invite the students and teachers to attend keynote lectures, science fairs, museum exhibitions, movies, and many other educational activities.  The students gain peer-to-peer interaction as volunteers from the KAUST schools act as guides during their visits.

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Further reading